Friday, 31 May 2013

Doggie sitting almost over!!!

Well my son and his family will be home any time so we will have to give Poppie back she has been a lovely little companion over this last week we will both miss her. It will be lovely to see my little darlings again though we have missed them.
Had a lovely stitching night last night with my friend Christine at Michelle's house (Mouse as some on the blogging world might know her). I was crocheting all night on my baby blanket ( I will post piccies over the weekend)
It's a lovely sunny day so we are spending time in the back garden, it's on two levels, mostly block paved and pots. It needs a lot of tender loving care spent on it so hopefully this weekend we may be able to give it a go. That's all for now, time to get busy again!! xx

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice to spend time with likeminded friends, i bet you had lots of fun,
