Well it's been back to the usual routine this week, school started, busy busy, by the end of the week it seemed like we had never just had six weeks off!! The nights are drawing in quite fast now and it's so much cooler. Friday we had torrential rain and the forecast for the next day wasn't so good so we were thinking large brollies for the wedding but, on the day the sun was shining.
I had such a lovely day everything was just perfect so I thought I would share a few photos with you all
My son Steven is on the right, his best man Karl on the left and 'my top man' Christian in front
The bride and groom, just married
signing the register
My three little darlings!!
Grandad's little princess!!
My oldest son Ian, his partner Alice on the left and my niece
Mum and Dad
and finally the cake, it looked far too nice to have to cut up
The other good news was that the day before Jackie went to see her neuro-surgeon and everything was good, there was no trace of anymore tumour and things were good. So it's a good start to their married life.
I have managed to fit a bit of stitching in this week but can't share with you yet because one is a Halloween exchange on my x stitch monthly group and the other is a Christmas ornament, so all will be revealed soon. Happy stitching to everyone and hope you all have a lovely week xx Bev

Sunday, 8 September 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
Harrogate show stash and a bit of crochet
Well hi everybody I can't believe it will be 3 weeks this coming Sunday since I last blogged!!! Where as the time gone, mostly with the grand-children and helping with bits and pieces for my son's wedding on September 7th. Jackie goes back to see her surgeon the day before the wedding so fingers and toes crossed things ok. She's feeling better in herself but all the numbness down her right hand side hasn't got better so heres hoping!!
Well today I've been with my friend Kath to the Northern quilting and stitching show at Harrogate and boy was it busy, let women free with their purses, well enough said!!! hehe. You just get lost in all the wonderful things, materials, kits and lovely threads ooooh heaven!!!
Here's what I bought
The Oh Christmas tree is by All Through The Night designs and the lady who I bought it off said she had stitched hers in Crescent Colours Grasshopper because the threads on the chart are Valdani hand overdyed Olive Green, has any of you ladies heard of these because I haven't???
Next is Hands On Design's Under A Quilt and I've got the threads as well. I haven't bought the fabric beacause over the past year I've been in a fabric a month club and have some gorgous hand dyed fabrics. The brown bag in the middle is a Bottle Top Tree Kit. You use milk bottle plastic tops and cover them in Christmas material and assemble it like a tree, something different!!
Below is a handbag and purse with owls on. My school's emblem is an owl and all our classes have owl names so I couldn't resist!!
And finally I've been doing a little bit of crochet and knitting of two scarves
Well I hope everyone has a good weekend, I'm going to chill out with some stitching before school starts on Monday, and, as anyone knows who works in a school you're back about 3 days and you ask yourself have you ever even been on holiday!!!!
Happy stitching xx Bev
Well today I've been with my friend Kath to the Northern quilting and stitching show at Harrogate and boy was it busy, let women free with their purses, well enough said!!! hehe. You just get lost in all the wonderful things, materials, kits and lovely threads ooooh heaven!!!
Here's what I bought
The Oh Christmas tree is by All Through The Night designs and the lady who I bought it off said she had stitched hers in Crescent Colours Grasshopper because the threads on the chart are Valdani hand overdyed Olive Green, has any of you ladies heard of these because I haven't???
Next is Hands On Design's Under A Quilt and I've got the threads as well. I haven't bought the fabric beacause over the past year I've been in a fabric a month club and have some gorgous hand dyed fabrics. The brown bag in the middle is a Bottle Top Tree Kit. You use milk bottle plastic tops and cover them in Christmas material and assemble it like a tree, something different!!
Below is a handbag and purse with owls on. My school's emblem is an owl and all our classes have owl names so I couldn't resist!!
And finally I've been doing a little bit of crochet and knitting of two scarves
Well I hope everyone has a good weekend, I'm going to chill out with some stitching before school starts on Monday, and, as anyone knows who works in a school you're back about 3 days and you ask yourself have you ever even been on holiday!!!!
Happy stitching xx Bev
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Minnie Mouse room, chilling and stitching, and Sunday roast with my liitle darlings!!
Well this week has just flown by. The Grand-kids have been on their hols so we set about decorating Jessica's sleepover room. One of the walls when we moved here was lime green and Jess left instructions she wanted pink so here's the finished result. It's minus the wall stickers as I'm awaiting them from E bay. The contrast wall is Candycotton and the room looks so calm and peaceful now!!
Today I've had my little darlings for lunch with my son Steven and Jackie. It was so nice to see her looking well. I think she really needed it as she wasn't so good before she went but the sea air as really done something good and she say's she feels well which is brilliant!! We're all looking forward to September 7th when they get married.
And this afternoon I've finished off two little designs I've had on the go for a while, they were freebies but not too sure where from. The Halloween one I've stitched on Aida, easy stitching.
Well I'm going for a hot bubble bath and then a glass of rose wine in my pj's hope everyone has a good week and happy stitching!! xx Bev
All day yesterday I spent stitching, it was bliss!! I did a little more on the LHN Mystery Sampler, it's not growing a lot but I can only manage about an hour when working on small count, even with a light and magnifier. I've just been for some new glasses this past week and was told my short sight has got worse. He even really cheered me up by saying sometimes with age it can get worse!!!
Today I've had my little darlings for lunch with my son Steven and Jackie. It was so nice to see her looking well. I think she really needed it as she wasn't so good before she went but the sea air as really done something good and she say's she feels well which is brilliant!! We're all looking forward to September 7th when they get married.
And this afternoon I've finished off two little designs I've had on the go for a while, they were freebies but not too sure where from. The Halloween one I've stitched on Aida, easy stitching.
Well I'm going for a hot bubble bath and then a glass of rose wine in my pj's hope everyone has a good week and happy stitching!! xx Bev
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Totally Chilled out...........in more waysn than one!!!!!
Hi to all back in 'sunny' Mapplewell after a lovely week in St. Ives Cornwall, and what a pretty place it is too. I've never been to that part of the country before but will certainly be revisiting. We stayed in Carbis bay which was just one train stop into St Ives at the Cottage Hotel. Lovely food, which is so much better when you haven't cooked it yourself.
This was the view out of our bedroom window
St Ives bay
A very misty St Michaels Mount, it was a shame it was high tide when we visited I would love to have gone across.
Lands End we picked a misty morning, and very breezy too. Was trying to get a picture of Richard but the queue was massive. You could pay a guy to put on where you lived and how many miles, I took this quickly in between their shots!!
And even managed to fit some stitching in too!! It was lovely to sit in the chair in the room and just look out to the sea and stitch, very therapeutic!!!
And now the bad news!! hence the title of my post. We got home to a 'stinky' smell in the house and found out that our fridge freezer had 'died a death' sooooo we've had to go out this morning and invest in a new one which thankfully is coming tomorrow.
Happy stitching to one and all xx Bev
This was the view out of our bedroom window
St Ives bay
A very misty St Michaels Mount, it was a shame it was high tide when we visited I would love to have gone across.
Lands End we picked a misty morning, and very breezy too. Was trying to get a picture of Richard but the queue was massive. You could pay a guy to put on where you lived and how many miles, I took this quickly in between their shots!!
And even managed to fit some stitching in too!! It was lovely to sit in the chair in the room and just look out to the sea and stitch, very therapeutic!!!
And now the bad news!! hence the title of my post. We got home to a 'stinky' smell in the house and found out that our fridge freezer had 'died a death' sooooo we've had to go out this morning and invest in a new one which thankfully is coming tomorrow.
Happy stitching to one and all xx Bev
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Mystery Sampler, Crochet and a little bit of cha cha cha!!!!
Well things are starting to become 'normal' again. A big thank you to everyone for their prayers and wishes for a good recovery for my future daughter in law. She came out of the hospital a week ago, it's going to be very small steps but I'm sure with a little help with things from the family she will get well.
Not a lot of stitching as been done of late, I tried but when you are really tired you make mistakes and a lot of 'frogging' was taking place so it went back in the basket. What I have been doing though is some crochet and have completed a scarf....I'm quite proud of it really!!
Not bad for a first attempt, I've quite got the bug now. I'm also quite excited as on Thursday I received the L.H.N. Mystery Sampler in the post from Patchwork Rabbit...... looks interesting.
Not a lot of stitching as been done of late, I tried but when you are really tired you make mistakes and a lot of 'frogging' was taking place so it went back in the basket. What I have been doing though is some crochet and have completed a scarf....I'm quite proud of it really!!
Not bad for a first attempt, I've quite got the bug now. I'm also quite excited as on Thursday I received the L.H.N. Mystery Sampler in the post from Patchwork Rabbit...... looks interesting.
Yesterday I was with my son and grand-daughter Chloe at her first dancing competition. Four months ago she took up latin and ballroom dancing. I was so proud of her she got into the final of the quickstep, runner up in the cha cha cha and won the rock and roll with her partner Caitlan
Below are a few pictures, one is a little far away, she was just about to start her cha cha
A smiley happy little dancing girl
Well the weather is beautiful here at the moment, lots of sunshine, a little bit too hot for me to sit outside in today, I'm not a sun worshipper so I think a little bit of stitching may be in order sat in my cool living room, I may even stitch a few threads in the mystery sampler. Hope all my blogging friends are having a lovely weekend.
Happy stitching
Friday, 14 June 2013
Hi I haven't been able to do any crafty things for over a week now so no piccies to show. My son Steven and his family are having very testing times at the moment. His partner (my future Daughter in law) is very ill. She went in for a quite routine op, she had a benign tumour on her pituatry gland. The day after she had it done she had complications resulting in a three and a half op through her skull (the first one being through her nose). She had fluid leaking from her brain and the viral infection was meningitis. She had a drain from her head, that didn't work so another op for drain into her spine. She was looking brighter the last couple of days so we thought things were looking up but he had a phone call at work this morning calling him back to the hospital. As I write this she is undergoing another major op. They have my three grandchildren 9, 7, and 4 who are just wanting their Mummy. I am so worried and doing my best to 'keep everything together' but it is so hard. They say things happen in life to test us!!! we are just getting a larger share at the moment. xxxx
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Sleepover and winner time!!
Jessica's important job before bedtime, and the winner is
Calamity Jr
You're the winner!!
private E-Mail your address and the goodies will be on their way x
Friday, 31 May 2013
Doggie sitting almost over!!!
Well my son and his family will be home any time so we will have to give Poppie back she has been a lovely little companion over this last week we will both miss her. It will be lovely to see my little darlings again though we have missed them.
Had a lovely stitching night last night with my friend Christine at Michelle's house (Mouse as some on the blogging world might know her). I was crocheting all night on my baby blanket ( I will post piccies over the weekend)
It's a lovely sunny day so we are spending time in the back garden, it's on two levels, mostly block paved and pots. It needs a lot of tender loving care spent on it so hopefully this weekend we may be able to give it a go. That's all for now, time to get busy again!! xx
Had a lovely stitching night last night with my friend Christine at Michelle's house (Mouse as some on the blogging world might know her). I was crocheting all night on my baby blanket ( I will post piccies over the weekend)
It's a lovely sunny day so we are spending time in the back garden, it's on two levels, mostly block paved and pots. It needs a lot of tender loving care spent on it so hopefully this weekend we may be able to give it a go. That's all for now, time to get busy again!! xx
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
My stitchy, crocheting dog sitting weekend
First I thought I would show you all my little dog for the week. She's my son's little dog, she's called Poppy and is a Norfolk Terrier. We are looking after her this week as they have gone on holiday and me and Richard have decided we are doing a 'fair swap' when they get back, the dog for the Grand-children!! (hehe) as Poppy is so much better behaved and does everything you tell her. (Don't worry Christian, Chloe and Jessica Grandma's only joking!!!
Below Poppy's picture is what I've been up to, a bit of crocheting, the coloured one is going to be a baby's little blanket it's done in Larksfoot stitch where you pick up on the row below. The other is a good old granny square, not sure what it may become. I've well and truly got the crocheting bug. I found some fantastic tutorials by the crochet geek on You Tube, she explains really well and there is loads of patterns to choose from.
And finally a little bit more of the secret stitching............any more ideas???
Well I'm off now to kit up a new start, it's going to be a small Christmas ornament from last years American mag I got...it's never too early to make a start. Happy stitching xx Bev
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Guess what I'm stitching??
Hi, well I've just had a stitchy night here at mine with my lovely friends Kath ,Michelle and Christine. There's never a lot of stitching done really but lots of chatting, laughing and of course a bun!! Tonight's delight was chocolate muffins made today by my two Grand-daughters.
Well the blogging world is quite new to me and I am eager to get new followers so what I thought I would do is have a little competition and I will send a surprise stitching package to the winner. Sooooo guess what I am stitching?? xx Bev
Happy stitching xx
Well the blogging world is quite new to me and I am eager to get new followers so what I thought I would do is have a little competition and I will send a surprise stitching package to the winner. Sooooo guess what I am stitching?? xx Bev
Happy stitching xx
Friday, 3 May 2013
I feel a stitchy weekend comin up!!!
Well it's the Bank Holiday weekend and I've decided to just have a 'stitchy time'. I have a WIP for a leaving present for my Deputy Head at school who is leaving in the summer. Our school emblem is an owl so I thought this was apt, it's a lovely little design from Jardin Prive.
I've also been looking through my finished pieces because I never get around to doing anything with them unless it's something for a swap soooooooo time to do something about it!!
Below are some of my crochet bits and pieces, I made a 'New Year Resolution' to myself to learn a new craft and here's my achievements so far- the blanket is going to be a baby blanket, just treble crochet so quite easy. My work seems to go out of shape a bit....any advice on what to do would be gratefully received.
I've also been looking through my finished pieces because I never get around to doing anything with them unless it's something for a swap soooooooo time to do something about it!!
Below are some of my crochet bits and pieces, I made a 'New Year Resolution' to myself to learn a new craft and here's my achievements so far- the blanket is going to be a baby blanket, just treble crochet so quite easy. My work seems to go out of shape a bit....any advice on what to do would be gratefully received.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
wedding day
Well me and Richard surprised both our families by just telling them the week before March 23rd that we were getting married, we totally shocked them!!! It was the day we had all the snow. A lovely day with both lots of children and especially our Grand-children. x
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Tuesday 5th February
Hi this is my first attempt at my blog, my name been set up ages but am not very computer friendly so, anything could happen but going to give it a try. Have been trying to upload a couple of photos of my stitching but it wouldn't let me!! Any help appreciated as to what I may be doing wrong.
Happy stitching Bev
Hi this is my first attempt at my blog, my name been set up ages but am not very computer friendly so, anything could happen but going to give it a try. Have been trying to upload a couple of photos of my stitching but it wouldn't let me!! Any help appreciated as to what I may be doing wrong.
Happy stitching Bev
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